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Our congregation enjoys a vibrant church life of worship, fellowship, and service. We invite members, visitors, and friends to join us in the life of the church. Please browse the upcoming events and contact the church office at 540-825-8616 or to find out more about them!

Upcoming Events


5- Book 'n Tea Group

9- Prayer Shawl Ministry

10- Adopt a Highway

10- Willow Widows Group

12- PW Morning Circle

15- Ice Cream Social

20- Men's Breakfast

24- Adopt a Highway

25- PW Afternoon Circle

28- Sonrise Saturday

29- Found & Sons Planning Presentation

30- PW Evening Circle


3- Book 'n Tea Group

7- Prayer Shawl Ministry

8- Adopt a Highway

8- Willow Widows Group

10- PW Morning Circle

18- Men's Breakfast

20- Pumpkin Decorating

22- Adopt a Highway

26- Sonrise Saturday

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